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Front brake circuit (emergency brake)
1) Protect any plastics which may be exposed to
brake fluid splashes
- Remove the hook or tie-wrap to release the lever
- Remove the right master cylinder cover
- Position the handlebar in order to create a high
point on the master cylinder to enable the bubbles
in the circuit to rise more easily
- Check the brake fluid level in the master cylinder
and top up if necessary.
It is essential to avoid being under the
master cylinder during bleeding to avoid brake
fluid splashes
2) Operate the right brake lever
evenly and smoothly
several times
very slowly
with a maximum movement
of 2 cm from its rest position until no more bubbles can be seen coming up through the master cylinder
3) Remove the bleed screw cap from the control
unit front circuit
- Connect the control unit bleed screw (2) to a
recipient containing brake fluid using a transparent
pipe. The recipient must be kept higher than the
control unit to facilitate checking that the air
bubbles are being expelled.
- Open the bleed screw half a turn