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♦ The lubricators must be filled with the correct oil or grease and must be set to
operate correctly without causing any hazards to people when set, installed, and
used for its intended purpose. This also pertains to their operation together with
the complete machine and its lubrication points.
♦ Make sure to prevent material damage by putting certain measures in place in
the case that the lubricator malfunctions.
♦ Operate the lubricator only when it is in perfect condition.
♦ Retrofitting, changing or reconstructing the lubricator is not allowed. perma-tec
must be consulted first.
♦ The LC unit should not be forced open.
Safety information for perma STAR CONTROL TIME
Safety during installation and maintenance
♦ Ensure that all workstations and traffic routes are clean and safe!
♦ Ensure that the relevant regulations and guidelines are adhered to when the
installation or maintenance work is carried out in places where danger of falling
♦ Ensure that the relevant safety and operating instructions are observed when the
lubricators are installed on machines or in factories (i.e. to stop the machine).
Safety when handling the LC unit
♦ Avoid contact of oil and grease with eyes, skin, and clothing!
♦ Avoid swallowing of oil and grease!
♦ Prevent oil and grease from getting into soil or sewer system!
♦ Observe safety data sheets of oils and greases! You may also download data
sheets of lubricants supplied by perma-tec from perma-tec’s web page
(www.perma-tec.com) or ask your local supplier.
♦ Oil and grease on traffic ways will increase the danger of slipping! Therefore,
immediately clean oil and grease from floors!
♦ Only use original LC units from perma-tec!