Fuchs®Inc. • 1600 Enterprise Parkway • Twinsburg, Ohio 44087-2245 • www.bebcoeps.com
Telephone (330) 486-0002 • FAX (330) 425-4607 • E-Mail: [email protected]
Problem or Fault
Enclosure pressure control regulator
will not hold a safe 1.0 inch pressure.
Enclosure pressure indicator reading
is difficult to stabilize.
Enclosure pressure loss alarm switch
does not appear to be operating.
Problems persists, or if the system
does not appear to be operating
Trouble - Shooting Procedures
Possible Causes
Leakage around gasketing, covers,
seams, piping and tubing connections,
conduit connections and electrical
conduit seals of the enclosure.
Insufficient enclosure leakage or
opening of the venturi orifice is crimped
to small.
Pressure switch is out of calibration.
Persisting problems.
This section covers the most common problems documented with these systems. Any problems not covered in this
section should be addressed directly to our factory. Please address all service needs to Fuchs, Inc. - Customer
Service Department at (330) 486-0002.
Corrective Action
Tighten enclosure latches: Where
tightening is not feasible, and
gasketing materials are not practical,
holes or gaps can be closed with
silicone sealant applied from inside
the protected enclosure.
Remove the orifice, cut off the
crimped end and ream the tube, then
recrimp and reinstall the tube to note
effect. As tube is shortened, reamed,
and recrimped, sensitivity decreases,
allowing easier adjustment of setpoint
on the enclosure.
Calibrate by slowly adjusting
counterclockwise to decrease the
setpoint, and clockwise to raise the
(Do not attempt to calibrate the switch
until all efforts to make the switch
respond properly have failed)
Contact Fuchs Applications/
Customer Service Department at
(330) 486-0002 for more information.
ISC * 877-602-0010 * www.iscenclosurecooling.com