Pump Demo Kiosk Operation and Set-Up Instructions
Pump Operation
Diffusers on feet, inside water bucket, must rest fl at in tub to prevent stress on unions and possible leakage.
When pump is running at very high speeds, water may splash excessively, especially during priming (to purge air
within the piping and pump). Be sure to maintain water level in the tub to avoid splashing water in cabinet area.
Be sure not to exceed the rated capacity of the electrical outlet. Refer to warning on page 15 for more information.
If the pump lid is opened, and the water level in the tub is suffi ciently high, there is a possibility that the water in
the piping (4+ gallons) will drain into the tub and cause an overfl ow inside the cabinet.
Be sure that a suffi cient amount of water is removed from the water tub prior to opening the top lid (basket
section) on the pump.
Be sure to read and follow the start up sequence instructions carefully.
Computer Operation
To keep presentation on monitor only (laptop a blank screen), press FN button and F8 key at same time.
To keep presentation centered and focused, go to Control Panel; then click “Display”. Click last tab settings and
under screen resolution, set to 1440 x 900 resolution.
To switch between Calculator and pool size selection screen, press “Alt” and “Shift” at the same time.
Demo kiosk shipments may include a fl ash drive with the latest software update. Please follow the instructions
on pages 11-13 to install and run the latest software version.
Periodically check the following web site to verify the most recent software version:
Draining the Pump
1. IMPORTANT: before draining the pump, be sure that all the power to the demo kiosk is off
2. Loosen the pump “basket” section cover, this will allow the water in the upper piping to drain down into the water
bucket section.
3. Place a bucket or other medium size container on the fl oor as close to front of the demo kiosk.
4. Place the open end of the drain hose assembly into the bucket.
5. Insert the other end (‘white barb’ fi tting) into one of the quick disconnects on the front of the pump. Water will start
fl owing out of the pump and into the bucket.
6. When the water stops fl owing, remove the drain hose by pressing on the metal clip on the quick disconnect.
7. Repeat this process on the other quick disconnect fi tting.
8. When the water stops fl owing, remove the drain hose assembly, draining is complete.
There will be a small amount of water remaining in the bottom of the pump.
Drain tube assembly