Pump Demo Kiosk Operation and Set-Up Instructions
Pump Demo Kiosk Operation and Set-Up Instructions
Pressure Tube Set (Included with optional Pressure Sensor Unit)
1. Install the tube ends into the corresponding marked connections (orange flanged adapters) on the pressure
sensor box, as shown below.
2. Route the pressure tube quick disconnect ends through the opening in the cabinet divider wall and up through the
pump board.
3. Connect to the pump by pushing the quick release metal tabs on the connectors at the pump when installing the
tube ends.
4. RED end goes to the HIGH pressure connector (discharge).
BLUE goes to the LOW pressure connector (suction).
Finished Demo Unit
High Pressure
Low Pressure
Note: When connecting sensor tubing to Pressure Sensor Box Unit, insert tubing into orange flanged
adapter, then push firmly another ¼” until tube “bottoms out” in the socket to prevent leakage.
Note: To disconnect – slide orange shoulder flange back while pulling on tube.