Pump Demo Kiosk Operation and Set-Up Instructions
Pump Demo Kiosk Operation and Set-Up Instructions
5. The screen will show the energy savings for a Standard vs. IntelliFlo Variable Speed pump. Adjust the IntelliFlo
pump speed until the flow rate needle is in the green “Optimum Pump Speed” zone - indicating an ideal flow rate
for a 12 hour turn on the selected pool size.
6. To exit this screen and return to the 3 Meters Screen, right click on the upper left corner of the screen.
7. From the “3 Meter Screen”, there is also an informational video on the IntelliFlo. Click the“Play Video” tab to launch
the video. To exit the video and return to the Cost Comparison Calculator, click the tab “Click Here to See Your
Savings” at the bottom of the screen. To exit the program, right click on the bottom of the 3 Meter Screen and
select EXIT.
Right click
here to exit