Product/Technical Bulletin
Issue Date September 2018
© 2018 Johnson Controls
Code No. LIT-12011012
Part No. 24-7664-2616, Rev. D
P545 Series Electronic Lube Oil Control
The P545 Series Electronic Lube Oil Control is
designed for use on refrigeration compressors
equipped with an oil pump that accepts a single-point
differential pressure switch. The P400 switch
continuously monitors net lube oil pressure and the
P545 control locks out the compressor if lube oil
pressure falls below the manufacturer’s recommended
net pressure for longer than the recommended lube oil
time delay. Front-mount Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
indicate the status of the lubrication system, and a
user-selectable, minimum-off time delay can be set to
minimize compressor short cycling.
A Johnson Controls/PENN® R310AD Current Sensing
Switch, sold separately, may be used to disable the
P545 control lockout circuit during abnormal
compressor shutdowns.
Figure 1: P545 Electronic Lube Oil Control with
P400 Single-Point Oil Pressure Differential Switch
Features and Benefits
Single-Pole Double-Throw (SPDT)
Relay Contacts for Liquid Line
Solenoid and Alarm Applications
Allows liquid line solenoid to be closed if the
P545 control shuts off the compressor due to low oil
pressure (minimizes refrigerant migration); provides
alarm indication, including circuits that use neon lights.
Relay Contact Output for
Provides reliable, long-lasting operation
Built-in Test Circuit
Verifies proper control operation quickly, without
additional tools or equipment
Improved Noise Immunity
Exceeds immunity requirements of UL 991 for transient
overvoltage: IEC 61000-4-3 for radiated Radio
Frequency (RF) and IEC 61000-4-6 for RF-induced
conducted disturbances
Selection of Anti-short Cycle Time
Allows choice of anti-short cycle strategy for a wide
range of equipment requirements; possible elimination
of external short-cycle timer
User-Friendly Display Panel
Displays the status of the compressor lubrication system
Backwards Compatibility
Allows easy replacement of existing electronic lube oil