PCAN-Wireless Gateway – User Manual
displays basic information about the created routes and
PCAN-Gateways detected on the network.
Defined Routes:
Here, each message forwarding is displayed with its basic
information. For each of these, the index, the status, the used
transmission protocol, the source and destination, as well as the
used filters are specified.
On the
Routing > Manage Routes
page, the routes can be
managed, edited, and deleted
On the
Routing > Add Route
page new message forwarding
instances can be created
Detected Devices:
This table shows all PEAK-System gateways that were detected
during the last network broadcast scan. If no other devices are
currently in the network or no scan has been performed, this table
will not be shown.
Each PCAN-Gateway is displayed with its product name, the custom
device name, MAC address, and serial number. This information
can be used to identify the device. In addition, the IP address and a
small icon of the device are displayed. With a left-click the
configuration website of this device can be opened in a new tab.
On the
Routing > Scan for Devices
page, a search for available
devices on the network can be performed
When changing the network topology, the list is not
updated automatically. If a device is removed from the network,
it will remain visible in the list of detected devices until the scan
is performed again and the list is updated.