HGF Series Service Procedure
Figure 21
Figure 20
Figure 19
Figure 18
21. Inspect the ground surfaces of
the isolation manifold (15).
You should notice a "normal"
polished pattern due to the
rotation of the valve plate (13)
and on the opposite side a
"normal" polished pattern due
to the action of the commutator
cover (20) and commutator
seal (19). The holes and
edges should be free of nicks.
The manifold surfaces should
be free of nicks or scoring. If
the manifold has developed
any of these conditions, it must
be replaced.
Inspect isolation
22. Remove the two isolation
manifold-metering ring
alignment pins (11). See
Remove alignment pins
23. Remove the drive link (16)
from the unit. See FIGURE 19.
24. Inspect each end of the drive
link (16). The four crowned
contact surfaces should not be
worn or scored. Replace if
wear or scoring is evident.
Inspect drive link
25. Remove the metering ring (17)
and discard the two seal rings
(3). See FIGURE 20. If the
metering ring bore is scored, it
should be replaced.
Remove & inspect
metering ring
26. The "metering package"
components are held together
with eleven hex. socket head
screws. Lift the metering
package from the assembly,
and place it on a clean surface.
See FIGURE 21.
Remove metering
CAUTION: Do not clamp the
metering package in vise, as
this could damage the