6.4 Buzzer
If the device is not connected to a monitor, please check the recording status by the buzzer.
The buzzer would alarm if the device is not recording under Normal Mode which is set by default. To
stop the buzzer from alarming, please make sure the device is working properly.
The buzzer warning function is as follows:
The buzzer will keep beeping for a while for all types of alarm event recording.
If the buzzer alarm is not needed, users can go to
System - Exception
page, and set Buzzer from
ON to OFF. And please note that if the Buzzer is set to be OFF, there would be no alarm even if any
event is triggered.
Power On Buzzer: DVR beeps, when it is set to ON.it beeps 15 times when it is powered on; when it
is set to off, there is no beep when it is turned on.
If the buzzer beeps intermittently, it means that the device is unable to record.
Different beeping modes stand for different working status as below:
1) The front cover is open: one long beep and one short beep.
2) No disk: one long beep and two short beeps.
3) Abnormal disk system: one long beep and three short beeps.
4) If the disk is operating normally, the video file is full, and the Cyclic Rec. is off: two short beeps and
one short beep.
5) No camera input: two short beeps , and two short beeps after a second.
6) If the disk is well connected but the device is not in recording: two short beeps and three short
6.5 Alarm, Speed Interface
Alarm, speed interface cable
See the picture below.