6211-I1 ADSL2+ Router Command Line Interface User’s Guide
atm Allows you to control the ATM driver.
atm start [options]
atm stop
atm operate tdte|intf|vcc [options]
The atm command controls the ATM driver. This utility:
starts and stops the driver.
activates and deactivates an ATM interface (port) or a Virtual Channel Connection (VCC).
adds and removes traffic descriptor table entries.
adds and removes VCCs.
displays the configuration for traffic descriptor table entries, ATM interfaces, and VCCs.
displays statistics for ATM interfaces and VCCs.
All information is displayed to stdout. A program or shell script that calls this utility can redirect stdout to a file
and then parse the file in order to interpret the displayed output.
Starts the ATM driver. This command calls BcmAtm_Initialize to initialize the driver and
BcmAtm_SetTrafficDescrTable to add one UBR traffic descriptor table entry.
Stops the ATM driver. This command calls BcmAtm_Uninitialize.
Operates on traffic descriptor table entries, ATM interfaces, and VCCs. Depending upon the options, this
command calls BcmAtm_GetTrafficDescrTable, BcmAtm_SetTrafficDescrTable,
BcmAtm_GetInterfaceCfg, BcmAtm_SetInterfaceCfg, BcmAtm_GetVccCfg, BcmAtm_SetVccCfg,
BcmAtm_GetInterfaceStatistics, or BcmAtm_GetVccStatistics.
Options for the start command:
atm start [--cqs <size>] [--pqs <size>] [--bs <size>] [--bo <offset>] [--intf <port> <type> <address>]
--cqs <size>
size--size used to create the Free and Receive cell queues. The default value is 10.
--pqs <size>
size--size used to create the Free and Receive packet queues. The default value is 200.
--bs <size>
size--size of a buffer used in the Free and Receive packet queues. The default value is 1600.
--bo <offset>
offset--offset into a receive buffer where data is to be received. The default value is 32.