3. Status and Statistics
May 2003
The method used to add the route to the table.
RIP: The route was discovered through Routing Information
The route remains until its TTL (Time to Live) expires, a better
route is provided via RIP, or there is a power reset.
Loc: The route was added due to the iMarc unit’s local
configuration; a Default IP Address or an SNMP Manager Initial
Route Destination have been configured.
The route remains until the unit’s configuration changes.
NMS: The route was added by a Network Management System
using SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol).
The route remains until there is a power reset of the unit.
ICMP: The route was added because an ICMP (Internet Control
Management Protocol) redirect message was received from a
router indicating a better route to the destination. That is, a
datagram was sent to a router and the router is informing the
datagram source through an ICMP redirect message of a better
Tmp: The route was added as a temporary route in order to
respond to an IP packet that was received.
The route remains until its TTL expires or there is a power reset.
Specifies the interface to be used to reach the destination.
COM: Communications port
: Name of the management PVC (e.g., PVCMgmt1001)
Internal: The interface to be used for software loopbacks or internal
device functions in order to reach the destination.
The Time to Live that was set for the route, in seconds: 1 – 999. If
999 appears, the route is a permanent one.
Table 3-13. IP Routing Table Values (2 of 2)
What It Indicates