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Manual | English
It is not allowed to use the crane on inclined planes. The crane has to be secured so
that is cannot slip away. The underground has to be hard and inflexible. The mini‑
mum carrying capacity of the underground has to be 1200 kg / m².
Please do not exceed the maximum payload of the remote head mount. Please only use the maximum
number of counterweights allowed which fit on the weight rod. Only use original
PANTHER counterweights. (see PANTHER Broadcast catalog page 12)
The use of additional weights, such as sand bags, is not allowed !
For the payload of the base, tracks or supports the complete crane weight including all accessories and
persons has to be considered.
Support material such as wedges and blocks have to be fixed in a way that they cannot slip away, fall out
or be pushed away.
At the end of the tracks clips or similar safety stops have to be fixed to avoid that the crane could fall
Repairs should only be carried out by the manufacturer or persons, who received a special training. PAN‑
THER GmbH offers service seminars, which can be held according to your desires. Should you be interes‑
ted, please c49 (89) 613 900 30 (PANTHER‑Service).
The crane should never be left unattended in assembled state. It has to be secured that persons without
authorization cannot use the crane. If necessary adequate measures against heavy wind or storm have to
be taken.
Before starting operation the crane‘s stability with the maximum tilting moment has to be checked.
When working in the studio or with tracks it has to be observed that no hard or loose parts can get under
the wheels. Also slight unevenness can endanger standing– and driving security.
Only use the PIXY Crane system with the PANTHER PIXY tripod (code no. 138892). Do only use original
PANTHER accessories and spare parts. It is not allowed to drive with the completely mounted PIXY Crane
system using air tires.