User Manual For CYCLONE
62 compareImageInCycloneWithFile
bool compareImageInCycloneWithFile(uint32_t cycloneHandle, char *aFile, uint32_t
This function compares an image stored on the Cyclone against a .SAP file created with the
Cyclone Image Creation Utility. formatCycloneMemorySpace
bool formatCycloneMemorySpace(uint32_t cycloneHandle, uint32_t selectedMediaType);
This function erases all images stored on the selected media type. This function should not be
constantly called, as this will shorten the lifespan of the non-volatile flash memory. It is
recommended that the user make use of the “compareImageInCycloneWithFile” function first to
determine if an erase is indeed necessary. (e.g. if the images on the Cyclone do not match the
@parameter imageId
Used to select which image stored on the Cyclone to
read the description from. The valid range of this
parameter is from 1 to the total number of images in the
Cyclone with the count starting from internal memory and
then external memory.
If a Cyclone only stores one image, this parameter
should be set to 1.
A pointer to a null-terminated character string which
contains the image description
@parameter cycloneHandle
The handle of the Cyclone that will have its image
@parameter aFile
A pointer to a null-terminated character string which
contains the full path to the .SAP file that will be
@parameter imageId
Used to select which image stored on the Cyclone to
compare against. The valid range of this parameter is
from 1 to the total number of images in the Cyclone with
the count starting from internal memory and then
external memory.
If a Cyclone only stores one image, this parameter
should be set to 1.
True if the image and the .SAP file match
False otherwise
Note that a false will also be returned if an error occurred
during communications between the PC and the
Cyclone unit.