User Manual For CYCLONE
The next test will check whether the scanned barcode matches the product identifier “TEST1”
exactly. The user should click the small down arrows for the "TEST1" characters to bring them into
the Char test section. See Figure 5.
Figure 11-5: Create Char Test For "TEST1"
The "1" in “TEST1” is by default treated as a "Numerical Character" for testing reasons ('NC'). This
means it is required to have a value of '0'..'9'. To restrict the value of this character, it could either
be change to a fixed character test or we can restrict the range of acceptable values. To do the
latter, click on the down arrow below the character test and bring the "1" character into the Range-
1 test area. Both the lower and upper bounds for this character can then be changed to “1” so that
the match must be exactly the number 1. Refer to Figure 6.
The final step is to create a test for the 4-digit serial number part of the prototype. In this example
only 501 units of this product will be manufactured which correspond to a specific programming
image, each with a unique serial number from 0000 to 0500. The test should make sure that this
limit is not exceeded. Therefore, the user should add “0000” to the Char Test by clicking on the
small down arrows for the characters. This should then be converted this into a Range test by
clicking on the new arrows to add these four characters to the Range-1 test area.
Figure 11-6: Create Range-1 Test
The default for the range test is 0000 to 9999, so after these numerals enter the Range-1 test area,
the user should change the upper bound from 9999 to 0500. Any continuous numerical digits are
considered to be one numerical value for the purpose of range comparison.
The result in the Barcode Test Generator utility should look like Figure 7: