User Manual For CYCLONE
device to match those of the network.
Connecting Cyclone-to-PC via an Ethernet cable
In order to connect the Cyclone to a PC directly via an Ethernet cable, you need to use what is
known as a cross-over cable. A cross-over cable, which is not provided by PEmicro, is normally
used to connect two similar devices such as a PC to a PC, or a Hub to a Hub. It is a cable that has
its receive and transmit wires crossed over so that the similar devices can effectively communicate
with one another.
With this configuration, it is still important to assign IP numbers to both the PC and the Cyclone
device. Although at first glance it may not seem necessary to assign a Gateway address in this
configuration, the Cyclone was designed to operate on a network of more than two computers, and
therefore it needs to be programmed with a Gateway address.
Assuming the desktop’s IP number to be, this is an example of the three IP
numbers that would need to be programmed into the Cyclone:
IP Number
Gateway IP
Subnet Mask
For more information on programming these IP numbers into the Cyclone device, please see the
following section.
Cyclone IP Setup Via LCD Menu
When the user is connecting the Cyclone via Ethernet, before the connection is established
between the Cyclone and the network the menu’s Home Screen will display the Cyclone’s IP
address as
Once a connection has been established, the menu’s Home Screen displays the Cyclone’s IP
address and connection setting (Static or Dynamic).
The Ethernet cable can either be attached at the start of Cyclone startup or connected after setup
is complete. The connection with the network will be established when the cable is connected. If
the Ethernet cable is disconnected after setup is complete, the user should be able to simply
reconnect the cable to reestablish networking. However, depending on the setup of the DHCP
server, if the Ethernet cable is left unplugged for a considerable time the IP address may expire
and connection will have to be set up once again. This can be accomplished by restarting the
Configure Network Settings
To configure network settings for the Cyclone, navigate to the following Menu location:
Main Menu / Configure Cyclone Settings / Configure Network Settings
The following options will be available under Configure Network Settings:
Show Current IP Settings
Edit Static IP Settings
Enable/Disable Dynamic IP
Edit Cyclone Name Show Current IP Settings
Show Current IP Settings displays the current IP settings, including:
Current IP Mode
IP Number