User Manual For CYCLONE
Figure 12-1: Serialize Main Screen
Serial Number File
On startup, the Serialize program will automatically open the last file saved. If no file has been
saved, it will default to blank.
Reset Button - Lets you reset to a screen with only a single serial number byte defaulted to
binary (00), Hex Address 00000000.
Save Button, File
Save - Brings up a dialog to which is set to save to the current serial
file configuration.
Save As - Brings up a dialog to select any file
Load - Brings up a dialog to select a previously saved file
Number of Bytes in Serial Number
The up and down arrows allow the user to add or delete bytes for the serial number, max=10 hex
(16 base ten), min=1.
Up Arrow Click - Adds new bytes to the Serial Number. Each byte added appears as a
new column in the serial number representation. Added bytes are input as Binary Bytes,
i.e. the upper bound is FF and the lower bound is 00.
Down Arrow Click - Deletes bytes from the right end of the Serial Number. Any previously
entered byte properties are lost.
Count Sequence
This window lets you test the serial number by counting up or down through the sequencing of the
serial number. The serial number will roll over the upper bounds of the highest serial number back
to the lower bounds of the serial number, and vice versa.