© Panasonic Industriar Devices SUNX Co., Ltd. 2016
When safety inputs 1 / 2 are not used, set the No. 1 and 3 of “safety input mode switches” to
ON and No. 2 and 4 to OFF, and open the safety input terminals of SIN1 / SIN2, SIN+ / SIN-,
SI+ / SI- and SO+
/ SO-.
NC (normal close) type
Operation for ON
Operation for OFF
Contact input mode
(Safety contact)
“Closed” for safe condition
(emergency stop switch, etc.)
SIN1 and SIN+ are “Close”.
SIN2 and SIN- are “Close”.
SIN1 and SIN+ are “Open”.
SIN2 and SIN- are “Open”.
input mode
(Safety sensor)
ON for light interruption
(light curtain, scanner, etc.)
ON for approach
(safety switch, etc.)
Safety sensor is ON.
Safety sensor is OFF.
When control outputs 1/ 2 (OSSD1 / 2) of other device are connected to the safety
input 1 / 2 of this device, mount in the same control panel.
When this device is used with PNP output (or NPN output), use the PNP out-
put type (or NPN output type) for the safety sensor. If a different output type is
used, control outputs 1 / 2 (OSSD 1 / 2) are OFF.
Use the sensor with the cross-wire monitoring function for control output 1 / 2
(OSSD 1 / 2). Connect wires to both safety inputs 1 and 2. Note that only one
side connection does not lead to normal operation. Use the safety contact with
two NC (normal close) contacts and connect wires to both safety inputs 1 / 2.
Note that only one side connection does not lead to normal operation.
Safety input mode
setting switch