© Panasonic Industriar Devices SUNX Co., Ltd. 2016
3-4 Safety Input Function
It is the function to control outputs 1 / 2 (OSSD 1 / 2) of this device with the safety contact con-
nected to safety input terminals SIN1 and SIN2 or the detection signal of the safety sensor.
When safety inputs 1 / 2 are OFF, control outputs 1 / 2 (OSSD 1 / 2) are forcibly OFF.
The time difference for operation of safety inputs 1 / 2 from OFF to ON or ON to OFF should be
1 second or less. In case the time exceed more than one second, This device become lockout
status and control output 1 / 2 (OSSD 1 / 2) becomes OFF status.
In shipment, safety input mode setting switch of this device is set to contact input mode (switch
No. 1 to 4: OFF). For connection of the safety contact, short circuit between SI+ and SO+, and
between SI- and SO-.
[Contact input mode]
To connect the safety sensors, set the semiconductor input mode (switch No. 1 and 3 to OFF
and switch No. 2 and 4 to ON) and open the circuits between SI+ and SO+, and between SI-
and SO-. Safety sensors can be connected to this device.
[Semiconductor input mode]
Safety contact
Safety input mode
setting switch
<PNP output>
Safety sensor
Control output 1 (OSSD 1)
Control output 2 (OSSD 2)
Power supply
Control output polarity
selection switch
Safety input mode
setting switch