Chapter 1
General information
This operating manual consists of a detailed description of the installation and
commissioning of the HPM controller. The manual describes the individual parts of
the controller as well as its operation, how to connect sensors, pumps and valves,
selecting the system diagram and how to make additional adjustments to adapt the
controller to the construction of a individual system and its installed heat pump(s).
The appendix of the manual contains the most common system diagrams along with
the complete menu structure, an overview of the available types of heat pumps (type
of communication), an overview of the possible heating curves, a description of
cascade control (i.e. using more than one heat pump with communication) and
information for configuring web communication (Ethernet/network interface).
To simplify controller operation, its display will show only such parameters and menu
items that are currently relevant. I.e., if a boiler has been selected as the heat source,
menus pertaining to the operation of district heating and heat pumps will not be
visible. Or, supposing there is no return temperature sensor assigned to a terminal, no
entry will be visible in the menu ”Current values” pertaining to a return temperature.
The selected and loaded system diagram, along with any additional manual
adjustments made, decide what will be displayed in the menu system of the controller.