Camera status display
ABB indicator
Appears when the AUTO W/B BAL switch is set to AWB
and ATW is running.
Appears when the WHITE BAL switch is set to B and
ATW has been assigned.
Displayed when changing the AUTO KNEE switch
AWB indicator
Displays the color temperature assigned to PRST when
the WHITE BAL switch is set to PRST. Also displayed
when AWB is performed in the PRST position.
Displayed during iris control when back light status is
changed by pressing the user button to which BACK
LIGHT is assigned.
Displayed when DRS operation has been changed.
Displayed when GAIN is switched.
Displayed when the ND filter is not positioned correctly.
Displays the name of a scene file selected by turning
the SCENE FILE dial.
Displayed when the shutter speed is changed.
Displayed during iris control when back light status is
changed by pressing the user button to which SPOT
LIGHT is assigned.
Displayed when FBC operation has been changed.