VQ T3Y04
The unit can record still pictures or m otion pictures to an SD card or built-in m em ory. To
record to an SD card, read the follow ing.
C ards that you can use w ith this unit
U se SD cards conform ing to C lass 4 or higher of the SD Speed C lass R ating* for
m otion picture recording.
* SD Speed C lass R ating is the speed
standard regarding continuous w riting.
C heck via the label on the card, etc.
Please confirm the latest inform ation about SD M em ory C ards/SD H C M em ory C ards/
SD XC M em ory C ards that can be used for m otion picture recording on the follow ing
w ebsite.
(This w ebsite is in English only.)
O peration of the SD C ard 256 M B or less is not guaranteed. Also, the SD C ard 32 M B or
less cannot be used for the m otion picture recording.
4 G B or m ore M em ory C ards that do not have the SD H C logo or 48 G B or m ore M em ory
C ards that do not have the SD XC logo are not based on SD M em ory C ard Specifications.
The operation of M em ory cards exceeding 64 G B cannot be guaranteed.
W hen the w rite-protect sw itch
on SD card is locked, no recording,
deletion or editing w ill be possible on the card.
Keep the M em ory C ard out of reach of children to prevent sw allow ing.
R ecording to a card
This unit (an SD XC com patible device) is com patible w ith SD M em ory C ards, SD H C
M em ory C ards and SD XC M em ory C ards. W hen using an SD H C M em ory C ard/SD XC
M em ory C ard w ith other equipm ent, check the equipm ent is com patible w ith these
M em ory C ards.
C ard type
C apacity
SD M em ory C ard
512 M B/1 G B/2 G B
SD H C M em ory C ard
4 G B/6 G B/8 G B/12 G B/16 G B/24 G B/32 G B
SD XC M em ory C ard
48 G B/64 G B