VQ T3Y 04
W hen the status indicator is flashing at a
particularly fast or slow rate, the
follow ing should be considered.
Flashing w ith approx. 4 second period
(off for approx. 2 seconds, on for approx.
2 seconds):
W hen the battery is over discharged or the
tem perature of the battery is too high or
low. It can be charged, but it m ay take a
few hours to com plete the charging
norm ally.
It w ill flash in approx. 2 second intervals
w hen norm al charging resum es. Even in
such cases, it m ay start flashing in
approx. 4 second intervals until charging
is com pleted depending on the conditions
of use.
Flashing w ith approx. 0.5 second period
(off for approx. 0.25 second, on for
approx. 0.25 second):
The battery is not charged. R em ove the
battery from the unit, and try charging
C heck that the term inals of the unit or
battery are not dirty or covered w ith a
foreign object, and connect the battery
correctly once again. If a foreign object or
dirt is present, turn off the unit before
rem oving.
The battery or environm ent is at an
extrem ely high or low tem perature. W ait
until the tem perature has returned to an
appropriate level and try charging again. If
you are still unable to charge, there m ay
be a fault in the unit, battery or AC
O ff:
C harging has finished.
If the status indicator stays off despite the
charging being unfinished, there m ay be a
fault in the unit, battery or AC adaptor.
R efer to page 109 for details on the
W hen disposing of or giving aw ay the SD
card, note that:
Form atting and deletion of this unit or
com puter only changes the file
m anagem ent inform ation and does not
com pletely delete the data in the SD card.
It is recom m ended that the SD card is
physically destroyed or the SD card is
physically form atted using this unit w hen
disposing of or giving aw ay the SD card.
For the physical form at, connect the unit to
the AC adaptor, set the m ode sw itch to
, select [SETU P]
[YES] from the m enus, and then press
and hold dow n the O ptical im age
stabilizer/D elete button for approxim ately
3 seconds on the screen below. W hen the
SD card data deletion screen appears,
select [YES], and then follow the on-
screen instructions.
For the physical form at, connect the unit to
the AC adaptor, set the m ode sw itch to
, select [SETU P]
[SD C AR D ] from the m enus,
and then press and hold dow n the O ptical
im age stabilizer/D elete button for
approxim ately 3 seconds on the screen
below. W hen the SD card data deletion
screen appears, select [YES], and then
follow the on-screen instructions.
The custom er is responsible for the
m anagem ent of the data in the SD card.
A bout status indicator during
A bout the SD card