VQ T3Y 04
It is possible to play back on a PC using an im age view er standard to W indow s or
com m ercially available im age brow sing softw are, and copy pictures to a PC using
W indow s Explorer.
Please refer to page 98 for details about using a M ac.
D ata cannot be w ritten from a PC to the unit.
It is im possible to w rite data to the built-in m em ory on this unit from a PC .
M otion pictures that have been recorded on another device cannot be w ritten to the
softw are supplied w ith this unit. To w rite m otion picture data recorded w ith the
Panasonic H igh D efinition Video C am era sold previously, use the H D W riter supplied
w ith the unit.
W hen m otion picture data is w ritten to and read from the SD card, correct operation of the
unit cannot be guaranteed if softw are other than that supplied w ith the unit is used.
D o not start the softw are supplied w ith this unit and other softw are at the sam e tim e. C lose
any other softw are if you start the softw are supplied w ith this unit and close the softw are
supplied w ith this unit if you start any other softw are.
Im portant N otice
W hen using an SD XC M em ory C ard, check the follow ing support site.
http://panasonic.net/avc/sdcard/inform ation/S D XC .htm l
D o not insert a disc recorded in AVC H D form at w ith H D W riter LE 1.1 in a device
that does not support the AVC H D form at. In som e cases the disc m ay get stuck in
the device. The disc w ill not play back on devices that do not support the AVC H D
form at.
W hen inserting a disc containing recorded m otion pictures into other devices, a
m essage prom pting you to form at the disc m ay be displayed. D o not form at the
disc, since deleted data cannot be restored later.