VQ T3Y04
W hen the LC D m onitor gets dirty, w ipe it
w ith a soft cloth, such as eyeglass cleaner.
In a place w ith drastic tem perature
changes, condensation m ay form on the
LC D m onitor. W ipe it w ith a soft cloth,
such as eyeglass cleaner.
W hen the unit has becom e very cold, for
exam ple due to storage in a cold area, its
LC D m onitor w ill be slightly darker than
usual im m ediately after the unit is turned
on. The norm al brightness w ill be restored
w hen the unit’s internal tem perature rises.
W hen condensation form s on the unit, the
lens w ill cloud up and the unit m ay not w ork
properly. M ake every effort to ensure that
condensation does not form . If it does form ,
take the actions described below.
C auses of condensation
C ondensation takes place w hen the
am bient tem perature or hum idity is
changed as follow s.
W hen this unit is brought inside from the
cold (e.g. a ski slope) to a w arm room .
W hen this unit is m oved from an
air-conditioned car to outside.
W hen a cold room has been w arm ed up
W hen cool w ind from an air conditioner is
directly blow n onto this unit.
After rain show ers.
W hen this unit is in a very hum id place
w here the air is thick w ith steam . (e.g. a
heated sw im m ing pool)
H elpful hint
If, for exam ple, you have used this unit for
recording on a ski slope and are taking it into
a heated room , place the unit inside a plastic
bag, rem ove as m uch of the air from inside
the bag as possible, then seal the bag.
Leave the unit for about an hour in the room
so the tem perature of the unit is close to the
am bient tem perature of the room , then use
LC D m onitor
Extrem ely high precision technology is
em ployed to produce the LC D M onitor
screen featuring a total of approxim ately
230,000 dots. The result is m ore than
99.99% effective dots w ith a m ere 0.01%
of the dots inactive or alw ays lit.
H ow ever, this is not a m alfunction and
does not affect the recorded picture.
A bout condensation