The gas pressure delivered to the burner by the heaters gas proportional control valve must be adjusted for both its
low and high rate and must be adjusted according to the heater model and gas type.
A dual port differential type manometer is required to adjust the burner gas pressure. One manometer hose (P1) is
connected to the gas valve test point and the second manometer hose (P2) is connected to the inner case test point
which is located on the burner injector manifold plate.
The burner gas pressure is the gas valve test point pressure (P1) minus the inner case test point pressure (P2).
Adjustment Procedure
The burner pressure for both the low and high rate can be adjusted by performing the following procedure:
Note 1: Ensure inlet gas pressure is within specification before attempting to adjust burner gas pressure.
Note 2: If any button is not operated for a period of 20 seconds, the controller will automatically exit burner adjustment
mode however any changes made will be saved.
Note 3: Familiarise yourself with the burner adjustment procedure and settings required before attempting to perform
the procedure.
Ensure heater is not plugged into power point.
Remove four screws retaining front louvre. Two screws are located on left hand side of louvre and two screws
are located on right hand side of louvre. Screws are accessed through louvres.
Remove front louvre by pulling louvre away from heater.
Remove lower front panel by simultaneously
depressing tabs located on bottom of heater sides
and pulling lower front panel away from heater.
Remove two screws retaining front panel (screws are
located on bottom corners of front panel).
Remove front panel as follows: Slide front panel to
the right, push it down to disengage retaining tabs
and then pull panel away from heater.
Remove screw and washer from gas valve test point
located on gas valve assembly and attach first
manometer hose (P1) to test point.
Remove screw and washer from inner case test point
located on burner injector manifold plate and attach
second manometer hose (P2) to test point.
Plug heater into power point and switch power point
10. After burner has ignited, wait for at least 15 seconds
then push and hold down '
Adjuster Button 1
' on the
controller. The control panels digital display will now
change to show 'H' (for high) flashing in the 'Set'
window and 'L' (for low) flashing in the 'Room'
window. Do not release Adjuster button 1 until
directed to in step 13.
11. The burner low gas pressure
be adjusted first.
To adjust the burner low gas pressure, press and
release the ▲ or ▼ button. The digital displays
'Room' window will now display a setting between 01
~ 39 and the heater will automatically operate on low.
This number can now be changed by pressing and
releasing the ▲ or ▼ buttons. Higher number = more
gas pressure and lower number = less gas pressure.
The burner low gas pressure can be viewed on the
manometer and finetuned to match the specifications
in the burner gas pressure table shown at the end of
this procedure.