This command initiates an automatic ZERO operation. See
for more information.
Automatic zeroing is initiated upon receipt of this command.
These commands control the RELATIVE function. See Section 3
for more information.
:SYSTem:ARELative:STATe <n>
The relative function is turned off when <n> is 0. When <n> is 1 the relative function is turned on, using the previously
relative value, if any. When <n> is 2 the relative function is turned on and an automatic relative operation is initiated.
Returns a single ASCII digit indicating the on / off state of the relative function. A 0 indicates the relative function is
turned off. A 1 indicates the relative function is turned on.
This command acquires a new flux density reading.
This command returns the latest flux density reading. The returned string will contain a signed real number and a unit
indicator (G, T, or Am). If in the ac mode the reading will not contain a polarity character (+ or – ).
The ranges of possible readings for the various units of measure are:
0.0G to 29990G
0.00000T to 2.999T
0Am to 2,388,000Am