Information for Remote Operation of 5180 Gaussmeter
There are 2 DLL files which should be installed when you run the setup program
from the 5180 User manual CD. They are libusb0.dll and usb5100.dll.
They should have installed to your system when you ran the installation from the CD.
Note: These files allow communication with the 5180 by higher level programming languages
such as various types of C, C++ or C#, VisualBasic or development programs like LabView,
Agilent VEE or TestPoint which can make calls to a DLL file. The function definitions are given
near the bottom of this page. The earlier versions of the software may not work with an Intel
dual core processor.
There are 3 functions in the usb5100.dll you will need to call to communicate with the 5180.
1. The first is "openUSB5100" and returns a 4 byte integer (unsigned long in C) which is the
USB handle for the device being communicated with. You may communicate with more than
one 5180, but you will need to keep track of the handle for each unit because the handle must
be passed to the other 2 functions when calling them.
Example: call "
" and it should return a value, for example 10203045 or some
other number.
2. The second function is the one you will use to do all other communication, except for closing
the session with the 5180.
It is
scpiCommand" and requires 4 arguments to be passed when calling.
a. The USB ID number assigned when the device was opened initially. (the handle returned by
b. The SCPI command string (the text string for the desired command as given in the user
manual Remote Operation and SCPI command sections)
c. Pointer to the object where you want the response returned to.
(this should be a pointer to a string variable)
d. Maximum response string length. Default is 80 and this should be good for most applications.
scpiCommand(102030405, *IDN?, pointer to ResponseString variable, 80)
3. The third function will close the USB session with the 5180.
It is "closeUSB5100" and does not return anything.
Below are the function definitions for these:
// The following ifdef block is the standard way of creating macros which make exporting
// from a DLL simpler. All files within this DLL are compiled with the USB5100_EXPORTS
// symbol defined on the command line. this symbol should not be defined on any project
// that uses this DLL. This way any other project whose source files include this file see
// USB5100_API functions as being imported from a DLL, whereas this DLL sees symbols
// defined with this macro as being exported.
#ifdef USB5100_EXPORTS
#define USB5100_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define USB5100_API __declspec(dllimport)
extern "C" USB5100_API unsigned int openUSB5100(void);
extern "C" USB5100_API void closeUSB5100(unsigned int fwb5000ID);
extern "C" USB5100_API int scpiCommand(unsigned int usbID,
char* cmd, char* result, int len);