See the
section for response time information.
The MAX HOLD function holds the reading that is arithmetically greater than all previous readings. The MIN HOLD function holds
the reading that is arithmetically less than all previous readings. These modes are useful in determining the maximum or minimum
value of magnetic events that occur over a period of time.
If the reading exceeds the range limit the 5180 meter will hold a flashing value of “2999” (gauss or tesla mode), “2387” (ampere
meter mode) or the maximum value allowed in the RELATIVE mode. The 5170 meter will hold a flashing value of "1999" (gauss or
tesla mode), "1592" (ampere meter mode) or the maximum value allowed in the RELATIVE mode.
The held value can be reset by pressing the RESET pushbutton. The next value displayed after a reset will be the present value of
flux density. For instance if the held reading is 200.0 G and the present flux density is 100.0 G, the meter will display 100.0 G after
the reset.
If the analog output is being used the output signal will continue to represent the real time flux density as seen by the probe. It is not
affected by the HOLD function.
See the
section for response time and accuracy information.
In the PEAK HOLD mode the input signal is sampled many times each second. Each sample is compared to all previous samples
and that which has the greatest amplitude (regardless of polarity) is held on the display. This mode can be used to capture the peak
value of a fast, onetime magnetic event such as a magnetizing pulse.
These are the differences between the PEAK HOLD mode and the MIN / MAX HOLD modes:
The PEAK HOLD mode considers the magnitude of the reading regardless of the polarity.
The response time of the PEAK HOLD mode is much faster but final accuracy is less.
If the analog output is being used the output signal will continue to represent the real time flux density as seen by the probe. It is not
affected by the HOLD function.