NANO 1000S Polisher
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3601 E. 34th St. Tucson, AZ 85713 USA Tel. +1 520-882-6598 Fax +1 520-882-6599 email: [email protected] W eb:
Please read this instruction manual carefully and follow all installation, operating and safety guidelines.
Grinding Direction
The orientation of the specimen can have a significant impact on the
preparation results, especially for specimens with coatings. In general, when
grinding and polishing materials with coatings, the brittle component should
be kept in compression. In other words, for brittle coatings, the direction of the
abrasive should be through the coating and into the substrate. Conversely, for
brittle substrates with ductile coatings, the direction of the abrasive should be
through the brittle substrate and into the ductile coating.
Manual Preparation
In order to ensure that the previous rough grinding damage is removed
when grinding by hand, the specimen should be rotated 90 degrees and
continually ground until all of the scratches from the previous grinding
direction are removed. When necessary, the abrasive paper should be
replaced with a newer paper to maintain cutting rates.
4.7.2 Rough Polishing
The purpose of the rough polishing step is to remove the damage produced
during cutting and planar grinding. Proper rough polishing will maintain
specimen flatness and retain all inclusions or secondary phases. By
eliminating the previous damage and maintaining the microstructural integrity
of the specimen at this step, a minimal amount of time is required to remove
the cosmetic damage at the final polishing step.
Rough polishing is accomplished primarily with diamond abrasives ranging
from 9-micron to 1-micron. Polycrystalline diamond (because of its multiple
and small cutting edges) produces high cut rates with minimal surface
damage. Therefore, polycrystalline diamond abrasives are recommended for
metallographic rough polishing on low-napped polishing cloths.