©HSS Hire Service Group Plc 1997 No. 511/02
Group Office: 25 Willow Lane, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 4TS
Hire Shops
Edge sanders for smoothing
wood floors.
Operating & Safety Guide 511
Tackle the perimeter with the edging sander,
starting with a medium abrasive and work
through to a fine grade.
Using both hands and in a kneeling position, tilt
the sander back on its castors, switch ON,
lower the machine until it comes into contact with the
– beware the disc turns anti-clockwise.
Move it
back and forth along the boards,
without pressing. Do
not restrain the sander in one place,
allow the
machine’s own weight to carry it over the floor.
Keep the sander moving in a straight line or it may
rut the work. Tilt the disc clear of the floor before
switching OFF,
and wait for moving parts to stop
before putting it aside.
Never push the equipment beyond its design
If it will not do what you want with reasonable
ease, assume you have the wrong tool for the job. Ask at
your local HSS Hire Shop for advice.
Dust bags are simply clipped or tied in place.
Empty them when about a third full,
and before
leaving the sander for any length of time.
Dispose of wood dust carefully.
Always use the right absasive for the job and change it
as soon as it becomes clogged or damaged.
Never use a sander that has not got an
abrasive fitted.
When not in use, store the equipment somewhere
dry and safe
from thieves.
Keep the equipment clean.
You will find this less of a
chore if you clean up regularly rather than wait until the
end of the hire period.
A floor finish is available from your HSS Hire Shop,
on a sale or return basis.
You must ensure you follow
the manufacturers instructions.
Before Decorating
Sand the floor and seal before decorating. Wallpaper
paste and paint spills can be wiped up more easily –
without staining – if the floor is sealed first.
Wear all necessary protective clothing and
ventilate the room when applying.
A respiratory protective system is available for hire,
for details contact your local HSS Hire Shop.
Before varnishing sweep and vacuum the floor.
Wipe over with a lint free cloth, lightly dampened with
white spirit. Leave to dry for approximately 2 hours,
keeping windows open and doors shut – allow the spirit
to evaporate.
Switch OFF and unplug the sander.
Remove any fitted abrasive, empty the dust bag
and clean the sander.
Neatly coil its flex
ready for return to your local HSS
Hire Shop.
Code 05422
Contact your local
0990 282828