Note the case sensitivity in the URL.
Multicast Relay
Relaying a multicast stream requires a multicast enabled network and an RTSP/RTP
server such as QuickTime Streaming Server or Darwin Streaming Server. Configure
Opticodec-PC to supply a unicast stream to the streaming server; the streaming
server handles the multicast.
Multicast Addresses
Multicast uses Class D addresses, through If you are to
multicast on the Internet, you must allocate these addresses through IANA. Optico-
dec-PC will dynamically assign a multicast address to multicast sessions. To view this
address, you can use a TCP/UDP port program such as TCPView.
Firewall Considerations
Whenever using multicast, through a firewall or router, it must be configured to
pass the multicast address range. Many firewalls and routers are configured by de-
fault to block the entire multicast address range. This is an important consideration
if streaming on Intranets or the Internet.