Section 7
The publications and links listed here provide more information on streaming tech-
nologies. They will give you a thorough understanding of the different streaming
server technologies and topologies, as well as important information regarding in-
terfacing to the Internet. Many of these publications and links also cover HTML and
SMIL authoring to create web pages for your streaming content.
It is important to note that the Opticodec-PC AAC/HE AAC/aacPlus codec technology
is new and many of these publications do not yet cover it. However, the delivery
protocols are the same as those used with older codecs. As with many modern tech-
nologies, streaming is an evolving technology, so new publications and Internet re-
sources will appear from time to time.
Books and Publications
Steven Gulie
QuickTime for the Web: For Windows and Macintosh, Third Edition
(QuickTime Developer Series)
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Apple Computer, Inc., 2004
Jon Luini, Allen Whitman
Streaming Audio: The FezGuys' Guide
New Riders Publishing, 2002
Eyal Menin, Eyal Menin
The Streaming Media Handbook
Pearson Education, Inc, Prentice Hall PTR, 2003
Steve Mack
Streaming Media Bible
Hungary Minds, Inc., 2002
Mary Slowinski, Tim Kennedy
SMIL: Adding Multimedia to the Web
Sams Publishing, 2002
Dick C. A. Bulterman, Lloyd Rutledge
SMIL 2.0: Interactive Multimedia for Web and Mobile Devices
X.media.publishing Springer-Verlag, 2004