IFU_EN_GEN-HT Version 1.01
Feature type: Any
Positive if:
Any point on the graph is within the window.
Negative if:
All points in X range are outside Y range.
Complete when:
X position passes the window or a point in range is found
Point identified:
The first point that falls in the window (without interpolation)
Additional parameters: None
Crossing threshold, Progress check.
Feature type: All
Positive if:
All points in the X range fall within the Y range
Negative if:
Any point in the X range falls outside the Y range
Complete when:
X position passes the window or a point in X range falls outside Y range
Point identified:
The first point in X range that falls outside Y range (if any)
Additional parameters: None
Range check
Feature type: Min
Positive if:
A minimum width in X range falls within Y range
Negative if:
No group of points in window cover width.
Complete when:
Minimum width found or X position passes window.
Point identified:
The point where the minimum width is satisfied (i.e. width after crossing
Additional parameters:
in the same units as the X axis
Amplification rate check, anneal peak width, noise rejection.