IFU_EN_GEN-HT Version 1.01
This screen shows the Target
parameters. The explanation of the
different options is below.
The name of the target is displayed in the results table and various reports.
The target type determines the purpose of the target:
A normal sample for analysis
Pos control
A positive control that is expected to amplify.
Neg control
A negative control that should not amplify.
Some other secondary target
The fluorescence channel / colour to examine. All regions for a target use the same
Indicates that amplification causes a decrease in signal. Ratios and derivatives are
inverted for quenching.
Spike removal
Enable/disable spike removal. Spike removal identifies single-point spikes in
fluorescence and replaces them with the average of the two adjacent points.
Spike removal analyses the data to remove rogue spikes from the fluorescence data.
Spikes can be caused by particles or bubbles in the well and by external environmental
Spike threshold
Spike detection finds points in fluorescence that are proportionately higher or lower
than the points on either side. The threshold should exclude normal noise in the
signal. Peak noise in the unsmoothed ratio plot with spike and step removal turned off
gives a good indication of the minimum threshold.
The spike removal threshold is target-dependant and is affected by noise:signal ratio of
the assay.
Step removal
Enable step removal. Step removal identifies sudden steps in fluorescence and
subtracts the step height from all subsequent fluorescence values. Steps can be
caused by particles, bubbles, drips and settling of well contents. Step removal occurs
after spike removal.
Step threshold
Step detection is approximately based on detecting single point spikes in the ratio
(unsmoothed, with step removal turned off) exceeding the threshold on both sides.
Set the threshold to clearly exceed the peak-to-peak noise.