IFU_EN_GEN-HT Version 1.01
The graph shows the temperature
profile of the run. Touch the graph
to adjust the profile by touching the
appropriate temperature or time
The notes section will change to
show the temperatures and times of
the different phases of the run.
Pressing the graph again will toggle
the notes back.
When changes are made to these
values, the graph will automatically
update to show the new
temperature profile.
The temperatures and times for the
pre-heat, amplification and anneal
phases can be adjusted. The phases
can be enabled or disabled using the
tick box next to their name.
To set a thermal gradient (maximum
of 7 degrees) across a block, enter a
range of temperatures in the
‘Amplification’ temperature box. The
range of temperatures should be
entered separated by a hyphen, as
shown below.
The ‘Wait’ button on the pre-heat
stage will cause the device to set the
block(s) to the pre-heat temperature
for the time, and then wait for user-
input before continuing onto the
next phase.
Low gain for Calcein: This option is
mainly for use if the user is running
experiments with Calcein.