• At temperatures below -10°C the motor grease might be too stiff for sudden throttle, high speed
and high-power rides. Give the motor some low speed and low power spins and warm up the
gears before going full power
• Avoid changing gears very rapidly from first gear to the last gear, or vice versa. If you change
multiple gears too quickly, the chain may come off the front sprocket
• Never pedal backwards while shifting, this could jam the chain and cause serious damage
• Never shift gears under heavy loads, this may break the chain. You must only apply just enough
force so that the gear can shift
• It is important to ensure your ebike is a suitable size for you. Not only for your safety but also
for your comfort. Incorrect sizing, seat height, and reach can lead to various ailments, such as
knee pain, back pain, and groin pain. We recommend seeking professional help when choosing
and setting up the right bike for yourself
This is a general sizing chart that you can use to know what sizes are suitable for you
• Standover Height is the basic element of bike fit; it is the distance from the ground to the top of
the bicycle frame, or the level your pelvic area reaches when straddling the bike
• Your bike should have a minimum standover height clearance of two inches (5cm)
• To check for correct standover height, straddle the bike while wearing the shoes you plan to
wear while riding, and bounce vigorously on your heels. If your pelvic area touches the frame,
the bike is too big for you and is therefore unsafe to ride
2. 11. BIKE FIT