I/O Data and List of Settings
This section describes the I/O data and provides a list of settings for the High-speed
Analog Input Units.
7-1 Specifications of I/O Data............................................................................ 7 - 2
Allocatable I/O Data...................................................................................... 7 - 2
Data Details .................................................................................................. 7 - 6
Precautions for the I/O Data Size ............................................................... 7 - 12
7-2 Setting I/O Allocations with the Sysmac Studio...................................... 7 - 14
Displaying the Edit I/O Allocation Settings Window.................................... 7 - 14
Displayed I/O Allocation Settings................................................................ 7 - 16
Configuring the I/O Allocation Settings ....................................................... 7 - 18
7-3 List of Settings ........................................................................................... 7 - 20
7 - 1
NX-series Analog I/O Units User’s Manual for High-speed Analog Input Units (W592)