Overview: (Start Up procedure, Print Jobs, Shutdown procedure)
A. Daily Start Up Procedure:
1. Start Computer connected to FreeJet320TX and Logon to your Account at Desktop;
Do NOT start DirectRip Software.
2. Preparing to Start FreeJet320TX Printer.
a. Shake White Ink Containers; Fill if necessary
b. Fill Color Ink Containers if necessary
c. Fill Cleaning Fluid Bottle if necessary
d. Unclip 4 White Ink Lines; Leave C,M,Y,K clips closed. Make sure the Cleaning
Fluid Line Clip is Closed.
e. Completely depress and release the Manual Suction Pump Plunger 3 or 4 times
or until you see the clear Waste Fluid Bottle start to collapse. DO NOT continue
to pump if the bottle severely deforms. You have now created vacuum suction
which will Cleaning Fluid (from the “Wet Cap” Shutdown Procedure) and White
Ink from the Ink Lines. Be patient, this may take a minute or so to see White Ink
enter the Waste Bottle. Depress the Suction Pump as necessary to keep ink
flowing into the Wast Bottle without severely deforming the Waste Bottle
f. After seeing White Ink enter the Wast Bottle, UNCLIP the C,M,Y,K Ink Line Clips.
Depress the Sucton Pump as necessary to pull Color Ink into the Waste Bottle.
g. When Color Ink appears in the Waste Bottle, OPEN the Cover of the Waste
Bottle slightly to release the vacuum which will Stop the Purging / Priming
3. Turn the FreeJet320TX Base Unit.
h. Switch to ON the “Main Power Switch” located on the Back of the Base near the
Power Cord. The Printer Box may move to the Back Stan-By position, there will
be some Print Head Carriage noises without Print Head movement and the
“STATUS” Light on the FreeJet320TX Control Panel (right side of base) will
rapidly FLASH BLUE and then turn SOLID PURPLE after a couple of seconds.
i. If the Status Light does not turn SOLID PURPLE and keeps FLASING BLUE;
Turn the Main Power switch OFF,
Slowly move the Print Box towards the front of the Base a couple of inches,
Turn on the Main Power switch. The STATUS Light should turn SOLID
PURPLE after a couple of seconds.
3. Start the Epson Print Engine by using
Chapter VI Initializing the freejet320TX
your guide.
4. Perform a Head Cleaning before printing a Nozzle Check.