Chapter VI
Intializing the FreeJet 320TX.
Overview. There has been an improvement in the startup procedure of the
FreeJet320TX that is different from other previous models. Upon turning on the Epson
power the system will automatically detect ink chips that are low and an ink reset will
need to be done
the Epson power is turned on. By resetting the ink chips
every time the machine starts up it will reduce the times you will need to reset the chips
while printing.
The startup procedure is explained as follows.
1. Bring the print carriage to the front by pressing the “stand-By” button. When the print
carriage is stopped in the front position, press and hold the red “power button” for 5
2. The printer will start to initialize and the detected ink chips will show by the indicator
lights on the print head assembly.
3. Press the “feed” button once to start the reset process. Once pressed the print head
carriage will move left and enter the reset position.
4. Reset the chips using chip reset assembly. There are 2 black buttons on the print
head assembly; you will press these simultaneously for 2 seconds and reset.