Maxiflex P3 PAC User Manual
-© Omniflex
Open the template file named “013812
(M126xx P3 CPU Range).osx
” supplied with
Omniset. (The
is replaced with the revision number of the latest available template
1. Check the status bar (at the bottom of the Omniset Main Window) and confirm that the
Target Address is set to “Local CPU”, and that the serial port displayed is the same serial
port to which your programming cable is connected. If not, then this can be changed from
the “File Target Address…” item in the “Remote” menu. Check that the settings are as per
the window below. (The COM Port should reflect the selected COM port in your PC).
The “Connection Information” Group should now be properly displayed. If you are not
connected, or the product type is not recognised, then a warning message will appear
If you can see the above information, and you see Omniset polling the target CPU regularly
(check for the black tick flashing in the status bar), then you are communicating successfully
with the P3 CPU, and you are ready to view or change any of the configuration parameters in
the P3 CPU, and to view the internal dynamic data in the Maxiflex System as described
11.5 Synchronise Omniset and the P3 CPU
Your configuration data is stored in three places:
1. In the Omniset Configuration Program (held in memory on your computer while
Omniset is running).