Files intended for processing in the Simplify3d program must be in the appropriate
format, i.e. .stl or .obj. Otherwise, it will not be possible to prepare the .gcode file
using Simplify3d.
Print Preparation
If everything is done according to the instructions, you can
start importing the model intended for printing. To do so,
select the import button from the main menu, then select the
target model from the disk and accept the import. If
everything went according to plan, the selected model should
appear on the work area.
In the next step, define the print run. To do this, select the
process or, if you do not want to add a new one, use the add
button and start editing it by double clicking on it or using the
Edit Process Settings button.
When editing the process, the FFF Settings window will pop
up. All changes directly related to the print parameters are
made in this window.
FFF settings contains the following setting parameters:
Select profiles
: Here you can find all pre-loaded-ready settings (print profiles), defined by Omni3D
for recommended materials (if after extending the list you do not have profiles defined by Omni3D,
go back to 4.3 and import FFF profiles).
Figure 34 Model organizer
Figure 35 Process menu
Figure 36 FFF setup