Figure 10 Interlocking guards
Movable guard of the filament compartment
The filament compartment is covered with a movable guard, i.e. a hatch to protect the filament from
contamination. There is no access to the working chamber through the filament compart-ment. It is
recommended to keep the hatch to the filament compartment closed at all times.
Emergency stop device
The machine is equipped with a device for emergency stopping (red button on yellow background)
located on the right side of the machine. When pressed, the button stops the machine in the emer-gency
mode: all machine drives are stopped and the supply to heaters is cut. Machine operation is
discontinued. Activation of the emergency stop functions takes precedence over
controls. Prior to
restarting the machine, make sure that the machine will pose no hazard when operation is resumed.
Restarting the machine requires releasing the mechanical lock of the emergency stop device and pressing
the start button.