output 2 reverse setting: Set a value corresponding to Y position by parameter
Initial Setting Mode
, such as xxYx (Y
can be 0 or 1; 0: forward; 1: reverse)
Limits controlling the output range
Maximum and minimum output can be limited; if the original maximum control output is 100% and the minimum control output is 0%, you
may set the maximum control output to 80% and the minimum control output to 20%.
Setting the upper limit of control output: Set values for parameters
(output 1),
(output 2) in
Operation Mode
Setting the lower limit of control output: Set values for parameters
(output 1),
(output 2) in
Operation Mode
CT Function
This controller provides maximum 2 CTs (CT1 and CT2) for measuring current values of output 1 and output 2; when the corresponding
output is ON, use CT to measure the corresponding current. An alarm will be activated (ON) when the current exceeds the setting range
of alarm. (A hardware PCB is required.)
Insert CT1, CT2 PCBs to Option1, Option2
Set the corresponding alarm to CT Alarm: Please refer to “Alarm Output Setting”.
Set the upper limit of CT alarm output (unit: 0.1A): Please refer to “Alarm Output Setting”.
Set the lower limit of CT alarm output (unit: 0.1A): Please refer to “Alarm Output Setting”.
Read current values of CT1, CT2: Read current values by parameters
Operation Mode
Select CT measurment range
CT1 100A setting
Set a value corresponding to Y position by parameter
Initial Setting Mode
, such as xxYx (Y can be
0 or 1; 0: 30A; 1: 100A)
CT2 100A setting
Set a value corresponding to Y position by parameter
Initial Setting Mode
, such as xYxx (Y can be
0 or 1; 0: 30A; 1: 100A)
Short the jumper on CT board. The CT board input voltage maximun 200mV, current maximum 50mA.
Normal input
default setting 30A
Short (100A)
EVENT Function
This controller provides a maximum of 3 EVENTs (EV1~EV3) for respectively setting EV functions as shown in the following Table <1>.
For example, if EV1 is used for Run/Stop selection, when the controller is set to RUN status, if terminals in the Option1 slot are open, the
controller is in RUN status; if terminals in the Option1 slot are shorted, the controller
switches to STOP status.
Function setting
Disable Run/Stop SV 1/ SV 2
Run/ Hold
Table <1> EVT function setting
Run/Stop: This function switches the controller between RUN and STOP status.
SV 1/SV 2: This function selects SV 1 or SV 2 as the active setpoint.
Auto/Manual: This function selects PID and Manual control.
Run/Hold: This function switches controller between run and hold status when in program control.
Insert EV1, EV2 PCB to Option1 or Option2, or insert hardware with a built-in EV3 function
Set EV functions as listed in
Table <1> EVT Function Setting
by parameters
Regulation Mode
Note: Selection of “Evt‘x’” items must match with the inserted PCB; if only Option1 is inserted, then only “Evt1” will be displayed.
CT board