With "Receive" button, we can read the settings of the "GSM" extension and telephone numbers (if
any), while with the "Send" button we can send the changes we have made. In the lower section of the
screen the following properties are displayed:
Response to incoming call: The available settings are "Answer in 15 seconds" and "No answer".
With this setting we can define the reaction of the system to an external phone call.
PIN: The 4-digit PIN code of SIM card.
Remote Access Enable: This option is explained on page 32 of this manual.
GSM Signal Strength: The receive signal stregth of the external antenna. This option is read-only.
The cells existing in the tab are divided in 6 phone numbers with its corresponding settings. The
number must be active. In the area below the number there are cells where we can define the actions
that will be performed when events are triggered by the panel. These actions can be either calls to the
corresponding number, text messages or both of them.
"PSTN" Window
If there is a BS-465 PSTN automatic dialer extension card installed to the system the user has access
to the following window.
By pressing the "Receive" buton, the user can read the settings of the PSTN extension. By pressing
"Send" button the user can send the changes made, to the panel. In the lower section of the screen
the following functions are displayed:
Response to incoming call: The available settings are "Reply to xx seconds", where xx = 5, 10, 15,
20, 25, 30, 40 seconds, "No answer" and "Answer to the 2nd beep. With this setting we define the
reaction of the system to an external call.
Check Line: Check box for Line testing.
For more information, please refer to page 30 of this manual.