5 connect a manual button for a silent alarm in case of threat, on zone 6 the panic button and on zone
7 the fire detectors. Finally on zone 8 connect the TAMPER of the external siren.
All zones are on the same section and the system arms and disarms all together. On zone 1 the mag-
netic trap activates the bell on the keyboard to warn us that the door has opened.
2. Zone 1 : Zone with delay
section Α
Zone 2 : Zone with delay
section Β
Zone 3 : Zone without delay
section Β
Zone 4 : Zone without delay
section C
Zone 5 : Zone without delay
section C
Zone 6 : Zone without delay
section Α
Zone 7 : Zone without delay
section Α
Zone 8 : TAMPER zone
Zone 17 (keyboard 1) : Zone with delay section Α
This configuration is suitable for a 2-story house. Connect to zone 1 or to the zone of the keyboard the
entrance magnetic contact. On zone 2 the radars that monitor the entrance area. On zone 3 the re-
maining radars of the ground level floor, on zones 4 and 5 the radars of the first floor and on zones 6
and 7 the magnetic contacts of the ground floor and the first floor respectively. Finally connect the
TAMPER of the external siren to zone 8. By arming section A we have a parametric alarm, with the
arming of section A and B we have a parametric alarm with the simultaneous operation of the ground
floor radar detectors and if we arm sections ABC we have full operation of the system.
3. Zone 1 : Zone with delay
section Α
With bell sound
Zone 2 : Zone with delay
section Α
Zone 3 : Zone without delay
section Α
Zone 4 : Zone with delay
section B
Zone 5 : Zone with delay
section B
Zone 6 : Zone without delay
section B
Zone 7 : Zone without delay
section B
Zone 8 : TAMPER Zone
Zone 17 (keyboard 1) : Zone with delay section Α
This configuration is suitable for a house-store combination using the same alarm panel and the same
siren. Connect on zone1 or on the keyboard zone the magnetic contacts of the store entrance. On
zone 2 the radars that monitor the entrance area of the store. On zone 3 the remaining radars or mag-
netic contacts of the store. On zone 4 the magnetic contact of the house entrance, on zone 5 the ra-
dars that monitor the entrance of the house and on zones 6 and 7 the remaining radars and magnetic
contacts of the house. Finally on zone 8 connect the TAMPER of the external siren. By arming section
A we have an alarm system only for the store, by arming section B we have an alarm system only for
the house and by arming section ABC we have an full alarm system for both the store and house.
4. Zone 1 : Zone with delay
section Α
Zone 2 : Zone without delay
section A
Zone 3 : Zone without delay
section A
Zone 4 : Zone without delay
section A
Zone 5 : Zone without delay
section A
Zone 6 : Zone with delay
section B
Zone 7 : Zone without delay
section B
Zone 8 : TAMPER Zone