«ON FAULT». It is activated when a fault has happened.
«ON ARM». It is activated when the panel is armed.
«FLASH». It produces 3 short pulses during the arming of the panel and one long pulse during the
disarming. It can be connected to the FLASH or FL of the external siren. It is useful, if the system is
controlled by remote control. By default the output P3 is programmed with this function.
«ON OFF MANUAL». It is activated manually by the keyboard of by a zone that has been pro-
grammed as PG CONTROL. By default the output RELAY is programmed like this.
«AC STATUS». It is activated in the event of an AC power supply failure.
«SUPPLY FIRE DETECTOR». It is suitable for powering smoke and heat detectors. It has a perma-
nent voltage of 12V which is disrupted for 5 seconds after every disarming. By default this is how the
output P2 is programmed.
«ΟΝ SILENT ALARM». It is activated when an alarm has been triggered by a "SILENT" zone.
Output "Ρ4" is a voltage output and it is not used at present time.
System general parameters programming
By default each keyboard BS-466/A is assigned by address 2. If we
only have one keyboard there is no reason to change the address. If
we have more that one keyboard, each keyboard must have its own
address in order to be acknowledged by the panel. We can change it
by hat option.
This option is NOT available on the BS-477 Wireless
Use this option to have the panel scan for all connected keyboards.
«SCAN EXTENSIONS». Automatically detects expansion cards. It must be executed whenever one of
the zone cards, a GSM answering machine or a PSTN answering machine is connected to the panel.
NOTE: If the command is given by a wireless keyboard, it will lose its communication with the panel for
the next 40 seconds.
In this case, two events can take place : A) If the user remains in the technician's menu, then the key-
board LEDs will stop updating for 40 seconds. B) If the user comes out of the technician's menu and
then turns off the monitor, if the keyboard is turned on and the display lights up before 40 seconds, a
panel communication error message will appear. This error will be disappeared from the screen after
40 seconds.
«RESET DEFAULTS». Resets all settings to factory defaults (see page 13).
«LOAD PANEL SETTINGS». The memory of the panel contains 6 groups of preset settings that can
be used for simple and usual installations. With this selection we can automatically adjust the system
to use one of these presets. For a complete description of these preset groups see page 13.