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Format: ^PQq,p,r,o
q = Total quantity of labels to print
0 to 9999
* 10000 or more is corrected to 9999.
0 is corrected to 1.
Default: “Quantity of labels to print” in the default setting file
When omitted: 1
p = Cut/pause interval
This is used as a parameter for cut interval when cutting is enabled (^MMC) and for pause interval
when cutting is disabled (other than ^MMC).
Cut interval
Range: 0 to 100
Entering 101 or more generates an error.
Default: “Labels to cut” in the default setting file
When omitted: 0
* When 0 (including when omitted) is selected for cut interval, the total quantity of labels to print is
specified for cut interval.
Pause interval
Range: 0 to 9999
10000 or more is corrected to 9999.
Default: “Labels to cut” in the default setting file
When omitted: 0 (no pause)
r = Quantity of replicates
1 to 9999
When omitted: 1
*1 0 is corrected to 1.
*2 10000 or more is corrected to 9999.
o = Override cut
Y : Yes
N : No
When omitted: N
* With the rotary cutter mounted, when a parameter of 2 or more is selected for pause or cut
interval, pause is made after completion of the next cut operation.
E.g. When 10 labels are printed and 2 is selected for pause or cut interval, every two labels are cut,
and pause is made every four labels are cut.