OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
DAQ Rate:
This field is not editable for SGSM tests.
Press Unit:
Choose units for cell pressure (psi or MPa).
GS Unit:
Choose units for gel strength (lb/100 ft
or Dyne/cm
Multiple Conditioning:
When this option is unchecked, the SGSM will
condition the sample only once, at the beginning of the test. When this
option is checked, the SGSM will condition the sample every time the gel
strength exceeds the value in the Threshold Strength field but does not
exceed the Final Strength.
Disable Multizero:
When this option is unchecked, the software will
perform the zero function after every conditioning cycle. When this option
is checked, the software will perform the zero function only once, after the
first conditioning. This option is off by default.
Threshold Strength:
When the peak gel strength meets or exceeds this
value and Multiple Conditioning is turned on, the software will trigger a
conditioning cycle.
Final Strength:
When the peak gel strength meets or exceeds this value,
the test will end.