OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
Select Edit → Cell 1 (or Cell 2) → Test
2. On the Information tab, enter the necessary information.
The Bob Height and Bob Diameter fields are used to calculate the gel
strength during SGSM tests. All other fields on this tab are optional.
3. On the Configuration tab, set the following parameters:
Select SGSM
Stop at End:
When this option is “No”, the test will run until you click
the “Stop Test” button or the gel strength reaches the value in the Final
Strength field. The final temperature and pressure setpoints will be main-
tained indefinitely. If this option is “Yes”, the test will end when all steps in
the Test Profile are complete.
Temp Unit:
Choose either F (Fahrenheit) or C (Celsius)
Density Unit:
Choose either lb/gal or kg/cu m
Temperature Control:
The instrument has two thermocouples. One is in
the cement sample in the cell. The other is in the heating jacket (Bath).
Use this option to determine which thermocouple will be used to control
the temperature. The “Sample” setting is recommended during testing.
The “Bath” setting is recommended during pre-heat.
SGSM Setup